Under a district-based election system, the School District would be divided into five equally populated districts. A candidate must reside within an election district and is elected only by voters residing within that same election district.
Districting determines which neighborhoods and communities are grouped together into a district for purposes of electing a Board of Education member. The Board will seek input in selecting the first district-based election map. You have an opportunity to share with the Board how you think district boundaries should be drawn to best represent your community either during the public hearings or by submitting comments to districting@cusd.claremont.edu.
Currently, five members are elected from the school district at large and serve four-year terms.
- Federal Laws
- Equal Population (based on total population of residents as determined by the most recent Federal decennial Census and adjusted by the State to reassign incarcerated persons to the last known place of residence)
- Federal Voting Rights Act
- No Racial Gerrymandering
- California Criteria for Cities (to the extent practicable and in the following order of priority)
- Geographically contiguous (areas that meet only at the points of adjoining corners are not contiguous. Areas that are separated by water and not connected by a bridge, tunnel, or ferry service are not contiguous.
- Undivided neighborhoods and “communities of interest” (Socio-economic geographic areas that should be kept together for purposes of its effective and fair representation)
- Easily identifiable boundaries
- Compact (Do not bypass one group of people to get to a more distant group of people)
The Board of Education will be holding hearings to receive public input on where district lines should be drawn. Check the schedule page for the most updated dates but please note the schedule is subject to change.
You can also submit public comments, including suggested draft maps, by emailing districting@cusd.claremont.edu.
These are standard categories included in the Census. Not all of the categories are relevant for creating district maps. Acronyms include:
- NH: Non-Hispanic
- VAP: Voting age population
- CVAP: Citizen Voting Age Population
- CVRA: California Voting Rights Act
- NDC: National Demographics Corporation (the firm hired by the District to create the maps)
No, but you can draw boundaries for just the district where you’d like your neighborhood to be or any part of the District.
Yes, you may submit more than one map. Please draw as many maps as you like. We suggest you submit only your top 2-3 preferred maps to assist the Board of Education in focusing on the map that best represents your community; however, there is no limit.
Once submitted, maps are considered public records. The District will post all legally-compliant submitted maps on its website.
There are a number of online publications and guides to redistricting. You can start with this one from MALDEF and the NAACP, or this (long) one from the Brennan Center, this one from the League of Women Voters, or this FAQ from the California Independent Redistricting Commission.